'Where?' 300 x 148 x 4cm Acrylic on Canvas
Influenced by the joyful, playful and uninhibited creativity of children and animals. Furtively presenting like they are created by a child that has been drawing with coloured pencils over and over on one giant piece of paper. In addition to this I'm also inspired by atomic shapes, architecture, chemistry, and natural structures. However, the look these artworks produce is purposefully at odds with the symmetry of nature.
Many thick layers of acrylic paint applied to the canvases in this body of work creates physical texture that can not only be felt but also seen. The overlapping lines of contrasting colours applied in the randomised and chaotic patterns gives the effect of new colours, as if they are almost mixed together. Imagine the colour orange is viewed from under a microscope with such magnification that the pigments of red and yellow start to appear separated.
In a society that is concentrated on achieving success through perfection, these paintings evoke an aesthetic of motion and excitement that eventually leaves the viewer with a sense of liberation. My paintings complement modern interiors and forms while also relating to organic shapes and the chaotic nature of human existence. They add a vitality of emotion, colour and movement.

'Outside' 66 x 96cm Acrylic on Canvas
SOLD 'MCMLXXXIV (1984)' 96 x 146cm Acrylic on Canvas
'Who' 90 x 90 x 4cm Acrylic on Canvas
'Euphony Hue' 199 x 85cm Acrylic on Canvas
'Stannous' 170 x 90cm Acrylic on Canvas
'Mingle' 100 x 64cm Acrylic on Canvas
'Her' 150 x 72cm Acrylic on Canvas
'Why' 90 x 90 x 4cm Acrylic on Canvas